Kindness #6

The bell had just rung, and all the schoolchildren were packing their bags, ready to go home. Mrs. Wilson reminded ALL the children to stack their own chairs, yet the classroom was empty and several chairs still remained. Me, staying after school to finish some schoolwork of my own, noticed the unstacked chairs and gasped. I immediately stuffed my laptop into my backpack and hurried over to the lone chairs. I picked each one up carefully from the floor and laid them on the other stacked chairs. This was kind because Mrs. Wilson now wouldn’t have to spend her time stacking chairs after the inconsiderate schoolchildren.

Kindness #5

Today as I was ready to eat lunch, I took a bread I really like from the fridge. Then I saw there were only two pieces left, and I thought of my dad who also really likes that bread. I decided to leave the bread for him and I took another kind of bread instead. This was kind because my dad was able to enjoy his favourite bread.


Two is a book by Kathryn Otoshi about a number 2 who is best friends with 1. 1 and 2 played together all the time until 3 came here. 3 urged 1 and all the odds to play with them and 2 felt left alone. 2 was excluded from the odds only game and the odds rejected 2. 0 and 4 tried to help, but every day, 2 saw 1 one playing with 3. Then the evens, 4, 6, and 8 turned against 5, 7, and 9. But then 0 got everyone back together and 1 and 2 were friends again. I would recommend this book to 6-9 year olds.


One is a story written and illustrated by Kathryn Otoshi about a colour called blue who was very quiet. He enjoyed looking up at the sky and splashing at rain puddles. He always wished he had the properties of other colours, but he still liked himself, except when red was around. Red liked to tease blue and make him feel bad. Yellow came to comfort blue, but she never told red to stop picking on blue, which was the same with the other colours. Red got bigger when no one stood up to him, and he was then huge and teased all the colours. Then one came along. One had a different colour and shape than the others. Red got mad and told one to stop, but he wouldn’t, so red rolled away. Red was very hot and was even hotter. Red went to blue and teased him, but then blue became a six and withstanded it. Red tried to squish blue, but all the numbers stood up to him. Then the numbers where nice to him and he became a seven and everyone was happy. I would recommend this story to 6-9 year olds.

Ivan The Remarkable True Story of the Shopping Mall Gorilla

Ivan The Remarkable True Story of the Shopping Mall Gorilla is a story written by Katherine Applegate and illustrated by G. Brian Karas. One day, two gorillas were selected to go to a new place in the USA. Once they were there, one of them died. The remaining gorilla learned to do human stuffs in a house, until he was moved to a cage in a shopping mall, where there was nothing to do. People suddenly became angry that the gorilla was there and tried to sign petitions. Then the gorilla was shipped to a zoo, where he liked it. He then met other gorillas and was very happy. This story is very good, the pictures are good, and I would recommend this story to 6-9 year olds.